CASA Air Monitoring Network Reporting

Monitoring Station Network
View Pollutant Concentration

View Meteorological Data

Network Map
  • The Network map depicts the name and location of each monitoring station.
  • Zoom
    Double click to zoom in on an area on the map, double click right to zoom out.
  • View Data
    Hover over any station or click selected station marker to view hourly pollutant concentrations monitored by that station. Click the graphic box to view a 24‐hour trend of that pollutant/parameter.
  • Limitations
    Air quality data on this website are automatically polled from the Clean Air Sarnia and Area monitoring network and are intended for public awareness. Because the data is near-real time, they have not undergone complete quality control and quality assurance procedures, and so they may contain errors and are subject to change. The air quality data on this web page are considered “unverified data” and should not be used in published documents. Data integrity and validity may be affected by instrument malfunctions, telemetry connectivity, QA/QC requirements, instrument calibration times or power outages.

    Air quality data on this website is provided for educational and information purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical or health care advice and should not be relied upon for such purposes.

    Air quality data on this website are not meant for emergency response purposes. This website does not replace or supplement the existing emergency notification and response protocols, including My Community Notification Network (MyCNN).
current time

Note: The data on this web page is real-time and has not undergone quality control and quality assurance procedures. Data may contain errors and are subject to change. Data Collection Time is displayed in the Current Local Time.

Reporting Period:
Station Name:
Station SO₂ (ppb) TRS (ppb) O₃ (ppb) PM₂.₅ (µg/m³) NO₂ (ppb) Benzene (µg/m³) 1,3-Butadiene (µg/m³) Ethylene (ppb) Rain (mm) SLR (W/m2) Temp (C°) WS (km/hr) WD (Deg)
Front Street
LaSalle Line
Leslie Sutherland
Moore Line
Paddock Green Park
Rokeby Line
Scott Road
Sombra Line
Wilson Plain Sr
  1. SLEA provides quality assured data on a monthly bases.
Station SO₂ (ppb) TRS (ppb) O₃ (ppb) PM₂.₅ (µg/m³) NO₂ (ppb) Benzene (µg/m³) 1,3-Butadiene (µg/m³) Ethylene (ppb) Rain (mm) SLR (W/m2) Temp (C°) WS (km/hr) WD (Deg)
Ada (Lockridge) Rogers 1
AFN Sportscenter
Christina Street 2
Errnol Gray Sr
Vidal Street 1
  1. Please visit the Air Quality Ontario website to obtain QA data for this station.
  2. Please visit the Temporary Monitoring Stations page to obtain QA VOC (including benzene) data for this station.

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